What Sets Us Apart from other Swimwear Brands?
I get very excited to share the answer to this question because we really do offer something special.
Our brand is all about FIT.
As a consumer and bikini enthusiast I always experience bikini bottoms that always seem to cut and dig into my tush creating a very unflattering ripple effect. The alternative option to this dilemma was wearing a bottom that covers the whole back side and cups the tush. (a.k.a full coverage bottom). But, as a confident women who appreciates and loves to show off her curves this was not an acceptable option. I wanted to wear a cheeky bikini with out the digging!
Thankfully I just so happen to be a Fashion Designer specializing in swimwear! After 10 years designing swimwear for labels such as Anne Cole, Calvin Klein and Express I decided to start my own line and fill this need. I knew that if I had this problem with swimwear, a million other women did as well.
We have 2 very carefully designed bottoms. Our #1 best seller is our Piper Bottom. There are 2 major FIT FEATURES that make this bottom the ABSOLUTE BEST.
"I love the adjustable sides and the material is so soft!"
-Erica H
Fit Feature #1:
The Piper features a slightly plunging curve in the front paired with ring and sliders hardware on the straps so that you can adjust the height and control where it lays. With this feature you can wear it low, like a hipster or wear it really high like an ultra high waist "80's" cut. The versatility makes it wearable no matter what shape you are, curvy, pear, square....you name it, it can adjust.
"It’s exotic, beautiful, high quality and will last forever."
-Lauren Samson
A MAJOR added bonus is that the bottom can fluctuate as much as we do! If you're anything like me...my bikini can fit great one week and then not so great the next due to bloat, lady business or maybe that extravagant weekend when I was stuffing my face with wine and cheese:D
Fit Feature #2:
Eliminate the digging!
ALL of our bottoms feature what we call a "Second-Skin Finish". What this means is that we have designed the back panels so that the edge of the bikini that sits on your tush is on the fold. This means there is no stitching or thick rubber on the edge that causes all of that unwanted digging and unflattering ripple effect.
"The cuts are flattering and comfortable and I always walk away with compliments."
-Adrienne Merrild
Now on to our other carefully designed bottom, The Harlow.
The Harlow string bikini bottom is our version of the classic string with 2 special FIT FEATURES.
Fit Feature #1:
The Harlow string bottom has a front and back curve that sits lower on the body in order to eliminate the bottoms from riding up in the small of the back like may tend to do. The front is also a slight curve which creates the visual appearance of an elongated leg line and has a slimming effect as well!
Fit Feature #2:
Same as the Piper, Eliminate the digging!
Using our signature feature called the "Second-Skin Finish" or (A.K.A) on fold finish.
We are very confident that our special features set us apart from other swimwear bottoms in the market and we hope that you TOO will become a HeatherLeigh Goddess and exude confidence in your Perfect Cheeky Bikini.